Bernard Redsteele

Older Ala Mhigan looking for a new purpose in life.


Bernard is a fourty five year old Highlander from Ala Mhigo, and a veteran from both wars for his homeland that he spent fighting in the front lines, managing to survive both times. After some time after the war to take back Ala Mhigo he spent some time there helping to build things back up. Once his work was done, he spent some time in a Free company called The Angels who spent their time stamping out rampant slavery rings and working to combat other criminal organizations. During his time working with them, he met the love of his life Theodora Ymisk. The two grew closer and closer as love blossomed, and soon the two were wed. The happiest moment of his life was when his son Roric Redsteele, named after his father, was born.Bernard was excited to raise his son in the traditional Ala Mhigan ways, and share everything with him and his wife. After all the trials and hardships that Bernard had gone through, he finally had the life he wanted, or so he thought. When Roric was one year old, his wife mysteriously disappeared, along with his son. There was no note left behind, no sign of forced entry into their home.. His wife and son's clothes were gone, all that was left were the small wooden sword and shield he had been carving for Roric's first weapons for when he grew into them. Bernard searched high and low for them, spending his savings in order to hire people to help track them down, to no avail. Devastated, Bernard could only go with the explanation given to him that he had been abandoned due to the signs.Now the veteran warrior travels from one bar to the next, spending what little gil he has left on alcohol to drown his sorrows, a shadow of his former self. Soon though his gil is going to dry up, and he'll need to find new work.

More details

Just some more tidbits here, OOC stuff or RP Hooks

  • RP Hooks- Fellow Ala Mhigan, looking for a body guard, heard about his gladiator years or personally saw him fight. You could be someone nefarious.

  • MORE RP Hooks - Bernard is a veteran of two wars, you may have heard of him through this. - His father is a semi-famous/well known general named Roric Redsteele, if you're Ala Mhigan you probably know the Redsteele name.

  • Walk ups, tells, etc are fine. If you DO walk up, send me a tell to let me know, I might not be paying attention/afk.

  • All RP is fine with me, Dark, slice of life, romance, erp, etc.

  • Bernard was abandoned by his wife for an unknown reason, he often smells of alcohol and isn't taking the best care of himself anymore. He could use a helping hand no matter how much he protests.


I'm 21+, been rping for several years now.
As stated above, I'm fine with all manor of topics and rp, from grim and dark, to just another day, to some of the spicier heated things.